If you’re about to graduate from college, you might be thinking about a special trip that you want to take to celebrate your achievement. Some places around the world are particularly ideal for recent grads who want to expand their horizons while experiencing something that’s new and fascinating. Going backpacking through any of these four countries will give you the thrill that you crave after finishing college.
From its major cities to its vast wilderness areas, there are many things to see and do in Thailand. If you head to the capital city of Bangkok, you can find many budget lodging facilities along Khao San Road where you can stay and pay almost nothing. The beaches in Thailand’s Phuket Province often attract large numbers of young travelers from around the world who flock to the area to party by the sea. Chiang Mai in the northern part of the country is a mecca for digital nomads and also features attractions like the Elephant Nature Park and Bua Tong Waterfall.
Costa Rica
This Central American country is famous for its warm weather, friendly locals and cheap accommodations for backpackers. Playa Manuel Antonio and Playa Hermosa are among the country’s top beaches where you can go for swimming, surfing and other fun activities. Some seaside retreats in Costa Rica are especially ideal for romantic getaways, which will be perfect if you’re traveling with someone special. The lush rainforests can also be explored, and you might even get the opportunity to see some blue morpho butterflies and wild iguanas during your adventure.
Czech Republic
Also known as Czechia, this Eastern European country has risen from the ashes of war and communism to become one of the world’s top destinations for backpackers. The capital city of Prague features many exciting nightclubs and is also home to architectural masterpieces such as Charles Bridge and the Church of Mother of God before Týn. You can also explore the beautiful countryside and stay at one of the low-cost hostels that happily welcome international guests.
New Zealand
If you care to take a trip to the Southern Hemisphere, New Zealand will be the perfect destination. New Zealand is divided into a North Island and South Island, and both locations feature a wide range of attractions and activities. Spectacular coastlines, mountainous peaks and other natural formations can be seen throughout much of the country’s islands. Auckland is the nation’s largest city and home to museums and spacious metropolitan parks along with hotels and hostels that offer great deals for backpackers.
Celebrating your college graduation with an exciting trip is one of the best ways to reward yourself for all your hard work. Any of these ideal countries for group travel and backpackers will allow you to experience a different side of life without putting a big dent in your budget.
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